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ACME 210 Black + lanyard free

Manufacturer:ACME whistles

Single-tone trill whistle from the leading British manufacturer of whistles

These whistles are extremely durable and their tone is independent from the influence of the weather. Due to the standardized frequency, the desired frequency can be ordered any time.
Thanks to inbuilt water-resistant ball the whistle ACME 210 has clear trill tone in frequency at about 750 Hz.
Length: 8 cm

Single-tone trill whistle from the leading British manufacturer of whistles

These whistles are extremely durable and their tone is independent from the influence of the weather. Due to the standardized frequency, the desired frequency can be ordered any time.
Thanks to inbuilt water-resistant ball the whistle ACME 210 has clear trill tone in frequency at about 750 Hz.
Length: 8 cm

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